Early Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity

Early Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity

Molds, like other microbial agents, are present almost anywhere. They regularly grow in high humidity and moisture, but they can also be invisible to the naked eye once they mix with air. Household and workplace dust usually contain mold spores. Typically, molds and mold spores are harmless and not hazardous to humans and animals. However, some people are sensitive to molds which can cause various health conditions — from simple allergic reactions to neurological problems. In addition, when mold grows excessively and remains undetected, it could enter your body and weaken your immune system. Read on to learn more about the side effects of mold on humans’ health.

What Is Mold Toxicity?

Molds produce toxic compounds called mycotoxins under specific environmental conditions. These chemicals are released into the air and can easily be inhaled by humans. Prolonged exposure to mycotoxins can be lethal or harmful to humans and animals; this is what causes mold toxicity.

How Do You Know If You Have Mold Poisoning?

People who have mold poisoning could not pinpoint the cause of their sickness. Since the symptoms are similar to allergic reactions, patients cannot receive the proper treatments, leading to life-threatening situations. Here are some of the side effects of molds that you have to watch out for:

Severe Headaches

The first typical sign of mold toxicity is recurring headaches. Prolonged exposure to spores can frequently trigger headaches due to allergic reactions or inflammation of the membranes in the nasal cavities. For instance, if you are exposed to molds, you can feel your head beating as a sign that your body resists and fights the spores invading its system. The headache will usually clear off once you inhale fresh air.

Watery And Itchy Eyes

Mycotoxins can quickly enter your eyes. The mold spores will irritate your eyes and make them watery and itchy. So, if your eyes are feeling more tired than usual, this may be a sign of molds around your home or work area.

Excessive Coughing

Mold exposure can lead to extreme and persistent coughing and mucus formation. It might feel like an allergic reaction to dust, but it is probably because of mold exposure if it only happens when you are at a particular place. In addition, a person with respiratory and immune system disorders is more likely to experience severe conditions like pneumonia and bronchitis.

Asthma Attacks

Mold spores can accumulate in the nose lining and lungs, leading to frequent asthma attacks. This can be worse for people with a history of lung diseases, and their attacks may last longer.

Brain Conditions

This may surprise you, but mold toxicity can present itself in psychiatric ways. For example, some patients experience brain fog, anxiety, depression, problems with concentrating, and insomnia. You might also feel weak and tired all the time, even if you are eating and sleeping right. These might result from constant coughing, low oxygen level, and the uncomfortable and unsettling feeling that patients experience.


While molds are microorganisms, their effects on human health are adverse. So take note of these symptoms and seek medical help when needed.