The kitchen is an essential part of the house and, as such, must not be neglected under any circumstance. Moreover, the hygiene practices stemming from the kitchen can have a far-reaching effect on household members. This is because not only is food prepared there but also stored and sometimes eaten there. As a result, the kitchen is the most accessible place for food contamination to develop and germs to spread, causing food poisoning or other bacteria-related diseases.
Whatever hygiene campaign you set out for your kitchen; you must realise that all house members must be on board. It is not a one-person goal to achieve except if you stay alone. Kitchen hygiene is the job of everyone in the house and if it means calling a meeting and delegating chores or writing a list and pasting it on the wall, make sure you co-opt everyone in active kitchen hygiene.
Kitchen hygiene is targeted at healthy cooking habits, proper cleaning and waste disposal, and avoiding cross-contamination. If you’re wondering how your hygiene routine will achieve these targets, here is a list of how to make your kitchen hygiene-proof.
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Always Wash Your Hands
Once in the kitchen, make it a habit to wash your hands as often as possible before you touch any kitchen utensil wash. Likewise, before handling food items, wash your hands and visit online pokies. The cultivated habit of hand washing will reduce the spread of bacteria from a kitchen surface to food items and vis-versa. In addition, you should know that entering the kitchen with uncovered hair, long nails and rings on the finger will encourage the spread of germs.
Clean The Kitchen Surface
You must clean the countertops regularly to keep them dry and prevent the breeding of germs. Generally, always clean kitchen surfaces like knobs and kitchen appliances, fridge doors, sink, and faucets. This will improve the spread of bacteria in the kitchen.
Pay Attention To The Bin
You must take out the bin every day to avoid any foul smell. It is good kitchen hygiene to separate wet and dry trash and recycle plastics. Dispose of the bin to prevent unpleasant odours and control the spread of bacteria in the kitchen. You can delegate the role to someone or create a family roaster for taking out the trash. If you’re down and out, visit for some fun.
Avoid Cross-Contamination
Cross-contamination is one of the common reasons for food poisoning. You should never leave edible food next to raw meat or use the same utensils for raw and cooked food. Have a different chopping board for raw food and processed foods like bread. Stick to these hygiene rules, and you won’t risk harmful microorganisms moving from raw to cooked food.